Sunday, September 14, 2008

Welcome to Kitah Vav

Shalom from the bowels of Shaarey Zedek. After weeks of dreading my move to the basement of the shul, I am slowly becoming acclimated to my new classroom and actually enjoying the pleasant nook the sixth grade now calls home. The walls are freshly painted, the tables and chairs are new and blue, and the bulletin boards await the day when they will display the work of our 45 sixth graders. This morning we spent some time introducing ourselves, as most of our students had the advantage of knowing each other, but we were out of the loop. It didn't take us too long to get the "toilet paper" rolling, and then each student shared several thoughts about themselves, based on the number of sheets they unrolled. Everyone had a few nice things to share, and we all had a nice start to our year. Before calling it a day, we set the guidelines for a safe learning environment, and each student shared their vision for a positive working environment. Stop by our classroom to see some of their ideas, as they are posted on the board for all to see. Have a great week, see you Tuesday at B'nai Israel, Barbara and Tracye

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