Sunday, September 25, 2011


 Building our Kitah Vav Community

Our Sunday morning Kitah Vav class has been talking about community, and the importance of building connections to people in the community.  Although we come from different families, schools, cities, or neighborhoods, we are connected through many similar experiences, and most importantly, we are connected as Jews.  Our focus for the year is Ahavat Yisrael, our commitment to one people helping to make the world a better place by building relationships with ourselves, GOD and each other. 

Our Tuesday afternoon Mitzvot and Middot rotations are devoted to finding ways to help repair the world on a personal level.  We do this through living an ethical life, and following the commandments defined in our Torah.  Students are encouraged to think about how they fit into our community, and what actions need to be taken to help repair the world. 

Please remember we start each day in the Chapel, so hang up your bags, drop off your coats, and meet us in the Chapel as quickly as you can.