Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tzedakah Experience Update

Making a Difference...
Chai Note

Our Connections

We have been talking about the importance of building strong connections to GOD, the community, and ourselves,  and this week we continued the discussion.  Our Chai curriculum lesson introduced the idea of Gemilut Chasidim and Tikkun Olam, acts of kindness and taking care of the world as ways to build these relationships.  Students were asked to think about all of the world problems and then they were asked to help identify which of these global issues were also Jewish concerns.  Surprisingly, every world issue they listed had a Jewish value connected to it.  We spent the afternoon talking about how brilliant our ancient teachers were when thinking about the work each of us must do to build our relationships with GOD, our community, and ourselves, and what each of us can do, however small, to begin repairing the world through acts of kindness.  

Thank you to the families who attended Shabbat School.  We appreciate the message you send to your children when you encourage their participation in our Shabbat experience, and Mazal Tov to our students for  the beautiful chanting of the Amidah.   

Sunday, February 13, 2011 - Community Wide Tzedakkah Fair -  All students meet at Temple Israel.