Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tu B'Shevat This and That

In our Tuesday afternoon class we have shifted our weekly Chai lessons from Avodah to Gemilut Chasidim.  Our weekly discussions give students the opportunity to explore the  many ways they can connect to GOD, community and themselves through the work of Torah study.  This month our discussions will center around the connections we make through  improving the world, ourselves, and our community with acts of kindness. 

On Tuesday, we began to explore the Jewish value of Bal Tashchit, the Jewish value stressing the importance of not wasting. The purpose of this mitzvah is to teach us to love that which is good and worthwhile and to cling to it, so that good becomes a part of us and we will avoid all that is evil and destructive. 

To reinforce the value of  loving the resources GOD created for us, and to celebrate Tu B'Shevat, the birthday of the trees in Israel, we sat together and learned about the seven species mentioned in the Torah as the original foods of the land of Israel, and tasted many of the fresh fruits grown in the Jewish holy land.  We sang, prayed, ate, learned, and celebrated together, and had a wonderful afternoon.  

On Sundays, we are beginning our B'nai Mitzvah  unit, and students will begin exploring the many facets of beginning their Jewish Journey into adulthood.  If your child knows their B'nai Mitzvah date, please have them bring it to class with them on Sunday, and we will locate their parsha.  Our unit will commence with each student writing a mini d'var torah, where they will have the opportunity to explore their Torah portion in detail.  


Tzedakkah Experience on Sunday,  February 13, 2011.  
Meet at Temple Israel at 10am.