Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Final Stretch 2010

The students in the Kitah Vav Circle of Life rotation have completed core units on the Hebrew calendar, holiday celebrations, circumcision, Bar and Bat Mitzvah, Jewish identity and death and mourning. As the year quickly comes to an end, we will continue to explore the Jewish values and hidden meanings found in our weekly Torah portions, and introduce lessons on Jewish traditions, laws and customs concerning dating, marriage, and divorce.

We have spent a considerable amount of time on our b'nai mitzvah unit as this unit introduces students to the b'nai mitzvah process, encourages them to begin thinking about the personal responsibilities associated with becoming a b'nai mitzvah, and provides them with an opportunity to explore the many Jewish values embraced in their specific Torah portions. Students were given handouts and a rubric in March to help them complete their mini d'var Torah and personal statements, and all papers are due this on or before May 11, 2010.

If your student has not shared this assignment with you, please contact me as soon as possible, and I will help them collect the information they need to complete this year end research project.

Have a great week, Barbara