Sunday, May 15, 2011

Yad Making

Many of our students had the opportunity to make a Yad with Artist in Residence, Gail Kaplan.  If you missed the opportunity, please contact Megan Toppor  for the make-up date.  These beautiful, one of a kind pieces are a gift from the Religious School to all students to use as they read Torah for the very first time.  Hopefully, they will be used many more times as our students continue on their Jewish Journey. 

Final Countdown

As the year quickly comes to an end, many of  our students have finished  their personal statements and are working on their D'var Torah.  If your student has not brought home a B'nai Mitzvah packet to help them complete this project, please have them contact me as soon as possible.  Students have been given class time to work on this project,  and all papers are due on Sunday, May 22, 2011.  

Attendance awards are being presented at the end of the year ceremony.  If your child has missed less than three times this year, they are eligible for an attendance certificate.  Please have them contact me if they believe they have earned an award.
This week we will complete our Life Cycle Unit on Dating, Marriage, and Divorce, and we look forward to celebrating together at our End of the Year Celebration.  Please feel free to join us next Sunday for our L'ag B'Omer Celebration.

It has been a pleasure working with your children this year.  They are a bright, committed, and articulate group of students, and I believe they are beginning their Jewish Journey into adulthood, prepared to be educated, informed, and knowledgeable Jews, able to live a Jewish life in a non-Jewish world.