Friday, January 15, 2010

Tie One On

Thank you to all of the families who participated in our Tallit, Tzitzit, and Tefillah Family Education Program. We hope you found the morning interesting, educational and meaningful and enjoyed spending time together. Please have your children wear their tallit to Shabbat School this Saturday. Each tallit is more beautiful than the next and your students should wear them proudly.

If your child did not make a Tallit it is not too late. Please buy the fabric and we will teach them to tie the tzitzit in class. We look forward to spending Shabbat with you this week in Southfield.

Have a great week, Barbara

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Tzitzit, Tallit and Tefillah



9:45am Learner’s Minyan in the Sanctuary

10:30am Tallit, Tzitzit, and Tefillah Workshop

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The students in Kitah Vav will be making their own tallit to wear during our Sunday Morning Learner’s Minyan. As our students prepare to become Bar and Bat Mitzvah, many will formally receive a special tallit presented to them by family to reinforce the concept that Judaism is passed L’dor V’dor, from Generation to Generation. The tallit we make this year will be used specifically in our Middle School Minyan, a special service where students come together as a community to learn the liturgy that connects us to Jews around the world, and from generation to generation. As we learn the melodies and explore the meaning and interpretations of the prayers, we will also learn the traditional laws and customs associated with the tallit and tzitzit.

On Sunday morning, January 10, 2010, the entire sixth grade will gather together for this very special program. Our Learner’s Minyan begins at 9:45am in the sanctuary, and the Tallit, Tzitzit, and Tefillah Program will begin promptly at 10:30am in Adler Hall. Please plan on joining us for this very rewarding Family Education Opportunity. If you cannot attend, please send a responsible adult to participate with your child.