Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Ties that Bind

We have been talking about the things that connect us to Jews around the world, and the wonderful things about being Jewish.  It was so interesting to listen to our students share their thoughts about what makes them Jewish, and how proud they are to share in the traditions that bind us together. 


Project Tikkun Olam – November 13!
On Sunday, November 13th, the Religious School will participate in Shaarey Zedek’s Project Tikkun Olam in partnership with Jewish Family Service’s 15th Annual Fall Fix Up. Families should meet at the JCC in Oak Park at 9:30 a.m. 

This program is a part of the Religious School experience. As such, it replaces the regularly scheduled synagogue-based learning time. Fall Fix Up serves homebound older adults and those in need of minor home repairs and outdoor cleanup. Each family will receive 2-4 homes, located in close proximity to one another. It is a great way to teach your children about the value of giving back to our community!  

RSVP is due by Sunday, October 23rd to ensure adequate space in the program. You may request 1 family to be paired with. Please contact Karen Davis to make your reservation in the program at or 248-357-5544 x60.

Tuesday Afternoons and the Living is Easy

Helping Rabbi Starr at the Learner's Minyan

Building community one day at a time

Jewish Identity

We have been talking about Ahavat Yisrael, and the commandment to demonstrate solidarity with Jews around the world.  We are also commanded to take pride in our Jewish identity, and embrace our heritage.  On the surface this seems like a simple task, but the students in our class have started to deconstruct the idea of Jewish identity, and what each of them stands for.  We have had some very interesting discussions, and we are beginning to recognize that each of us defines ourselves differently, but our common bonds connect us to each other, Jews in America, and around the world. 

On Tuesday afternoons we have been talking about building community and our connections to working together to make the world a better place.  We have been talking about the value of friendship, kindness and respect.  

We also had the opportunity to spend some time talking about Gilad Shalit, and the commendment to free a captive at all costs.  The discussion was quite interesting when we were confronted with the issue of the families that lost loved ones at the cost of the freed terrorists.  Our Tuesday afternoon discussions are quite enriching, and I encourage you to ask your children to share the discussions with you.