Monday, September 29, 2008

T'Shuvah for Rosh Hashanah

During the High Holiday season, Jewish tradition teaches us to look at the things we have done that might have hurt or offended other people and apologize to those we have harmed. We must then promise to not act the same way again. This very difficult process is called teshuvah, and we spent the better part of our morning talking about things we have done that require us to do teshuvah, based on Rabbinic Interpretations.

Our Rabbis tell us there are four steps to doing teshuvah:
1. Confession - I did it
2. Remorse - I feel badly for doing it
3. Asking for Forgiveness - Repairing the Damage
4. Accepting Responsibility - Not doing it Again

For homework this week, student are asked to find two people they have hurt in the past year, and ask them for forgiveness, using this four step process.

Wishing you and those you love,
Peace, Health, and Happiness, Love and Laughter!

L'Shanah Tova, Barbara and Tracye

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