Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sing When the Spirit Says Sing!

Shalom and Welcome to the Kitah Vav Community. After reviewing the ins and outs and ups and downs of our week, we had some time to share our experiences with each other. We talked about where we came from, what we did today, and how we spend our time away from Religious School. We discovered we have many differences, but in many ways, we also have quite a bit in common. Our similarities, and the single thread that reached the entire group helped to identify our connection to each other, and set us on a path to build our Kitah Vav community.

In addition to going to camp, being in the same Religious School class, or attending the same school, we are connected through similar experiences, values, and interests. This week we spent some time finding a common bond through music. Many of us like the same muscians, groups, or singers. We also know nursery rhymes, children's songs and prayers that help us to connect with each other. When we pray together, we share the words of our ancestors and build a community through song.

This was seen so clearly as we began to study the Amidah, taking the words from Oseh Shalom and putting them to music from our past experiences. Each group of students presented their own rendition of Oseh Shalom, and we enjoyed praying for peace through a wide variety of tunes, including the Michigan Fight Song, Laffy Taffy, Twinkle Twinkle, and ABC. In addition to having a good time, visiting with our friends, and working for the good of the group, it was wonderful to pray together, building our Kitah Vav community, and connecting through music, words and spirit.

Ask your child to share the meaning of Oseh Shalom with you, and maybe you can have a sing-along too.

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