Saturday, September 27, 2008

New Moon, New Month, New Year

Shavuah Tov! The students in Kitah Vav are moon watching this month. On Tuesday, we continued our travels through the lunar calendar and saw first hand how everything we do is directly related to being Jewish. We are not just "Jewish" when we are in the synagogue or at Religious School, but our whole being is connected to being Jewish. Our behaviors and our values, how we treat others, the foods we like and dislike; all of these things define who we are as Jews. Likewise, when we look in the sky and follow the moon, we are connected to Jews throughout the world. Because the Jewish calendar is lunar based, all we need to do is follow the shape of the moon, from new to waning, and full to waxing, and we connect to Jews around the world, celebrating the Jewish holidays together.

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