Monday, October 19, 2009


It was wonderful meeting as a complete Kitah Vav community this week. Although our rotation schedule is still being tweeked (not twittered), all of our students had a chance to spend time with all three teachers, and we davened together at our Learners Minyan, practiced Hebrew Reading, learned to chant the Torah tropes, and talked about the cycles of the moon and the Hebrew calendar.

Our Hebrew calendar is based on the lunar cycle and the moon serves as our guide through time. When we enter the world, we start life anew, and slowly we grow through the different stages of life. Just as the moon progresses, first new, then a quarter, a half, and full, we grow from infancy to childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. And as the moon starts to decline, we too decline, as we slowly age and begin different stages in life.

The Hebrew calendar provides us a wonderful visual aide as we begin our Life Cycle units, the first being the passing of time, and how we chose to spend our time as we embark on our Jewish adventure to Bar and Bat Mitzvah...and beyond.

This month in our Life Cycle Rotation, we will continue the journey through time and we will travel through the Lunar and Solar calendars, explore the structure of the Hebrew calendar and learn to calculate the Hebrew year.

Question of the Week? Does time keep you or do you keep time?
Are you controlled by time, or do you have control of your time?

1 comment:

DeDe said...

What a great Morah you are, and so high tech!

Yasher Koach

Morah Robinson