Sunday, September 13, 2009

Welcome To Kitah Vav:

As we begin our journey, our goal is to build a kind and caring learning community where everyone has a voice and feels they can be heard. We will work together to reach out to those in our classroom, our family, and in the community at large. As the year continues, we will learn about ways to reach beyond the walls of Shaarey Zedek and try to connect with those outside our learning community.

Your child is coming home with a brand new dollar bill this week, compliments of their Kitah Vav teacher. No, I am not trying to buy their love, nor am I trying to convince them to continue coming to class. I am encouraging them to try to make a difference with that dollar. Their job for the year is making that dollar work. Try to make it grow, share it with someone, make a difference in the life of someone else. In other words, "Pay it Forward." We will talk about the dollar in class for several weeks, and then they are on their own. Please take some time to talk about how the dollar can be turned into far more than just a dollar, and brainstorm together to make a difference in Kitah Vav.

I am looking forward to meeting you this morning, and encourage you to check back weekly as I will try to post regularly. Please don't think a lack of a post is a lack of activity in our class. Feel free to leave a comment, let me know what you think, and welcome to Kitah Vav.

Wishing you a happy, healthy, and peaceful New Year,


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