Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Goal Setting in Kitah Vav

We are quickly creating a safe learning community in Kitah Vav and we are settling into our classroom routine. Mr Weisberg has joined our team on Tuesdays as our Hebrew Reading Specialist, and he spent time with each student introducing the Torah Service we will be studying all year.

In the Life Cycle Rotation, we discussed Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and the basic tenets of the high holidays. Our roundtable discussions centered on tefilah, teshuvah and tzedakah, and the ways to move forward in the coming year. Students shared their thoughts and ideas on being Jewish, taking responsibility for observing the commandments, and goals for the upcoming year.

As we begin the path to becoming Bar and Bar Mitzvah, all students are encouraged to try fasting this year on Yom Kippur, even if they do not make it through the day. By all means this does include making the effort and giving up snacking and eating between meals.

Wishing everyone an easy fast, see you in Southfield on Sunday, October 4, 2009.

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