Tuesday, March 8, 2011


The core curriculum in our Tuesday afternoon class reinforces the concept that each of us has a direct responsibility to care for the world through building a relationship with GOD, ourselves, and the community. To  further emphasize the importance of working to build these relationships through acts of kindness, we will be making Mishlach Manot, baskets of food for people in our community to fulfill  one of the commandments of the Purim celebration. 

In addition to making these gifts of food, students are encouraged to donate money to the poor, hear the megillah being read aloud, and celebrate at a Purim Seudah.  By participating in this wonderful act of giving, and attending the Purim Extravaganza on Saturday evening, March 19, and  Sunday morning, March 20, Kitah Vav students with fulfill the observance of all four of these mitzvot, and begin their pre B'nai Mitzvah journey into Jewish adulthood.

Please send in two regular size packages, or one COSTCO size bag or box of Kosher treats, candy, snacks, crackers, granola bars, raisins, or fruit snacks, on Tuesday, March 15, 2011 to help make these Mishlach Manot packages. 

Thank you in advance for your kind and generous donations.

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