Saturday, December 12, 2009

Like a Maccabee

This year as we celebrate Hanukkah in Kitah Vav, we aim to increase our Jewish knowledge beyond what some call "Pediatric Judaism." The holiday of Hanukkah is more than a children's holiday centered around lighting candles and getting gifts. Hanukkah is about an amazing story, a miracle as many suggest.

Did you know the Maccabees were zealots?

Did you know the first fight actually began as Jew against Jew?

Do you know the real fear was not of physical extermination, but of spiritual annihilation?

The message we hope to share this year is one of standing up for our beliefs because we are proud of who we are. This year we hope to teach our Kitah Vav students to believe in themselves, and know who they are through learning and understanding.

Hanukkah is a minor holiday with many rituals, and families continue to create new traditions to teach the special messages which are part of our history. What are the messages we want our children to understand? Despite pressure to conform, Mattathias and his five sons refused to bow down to idols. Being a Maccabee, whether long ago or today means fighting for the right to be different, and being proud of these differences. We also need to reinforce the concept that being small in number does not mean being insignificant. The Jewish people have always been small in number, but we must continue to be strong in spirit. We know that each of us can make a difference in the world, and this is the legacy of the Maccabees we want to reinforce for our Kitah Vav students.

Have a wonderful Hanukkah and a safe, happy, and healthy winter break.

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