Monday, November 9, 2009


Rabbi Shimon said,
There are three crowns:
The crown of Torah;
The crown of Priesthood;
and the crown of Royalty.
However, the crown of a good name is greater than all of them.
Pirke Avot - 4:13

As we continue on our Life Cycle Journey, we have been talking about our names, and what it means to have a good name. Jewish tradition suggests naming babies after a loved one or in honor of someone who has a good name. When we are honored by having someone elses name, we are motivated to carry on the good work of those before us. The most valuable things in life are those we work the hardest for, and that includes making sure our name remains honorable. A good name has much to do with one's reputation. What do we have to do to protect our reputation? As our discussion progressed, we talked about Simchat Bat, or the naming ceremony for a girl, and the Brit Milah, the circumcion ceremony, where baby boys are given their names.

What are you doing right now to earn your good name?
Who were you named for, or how was your name chosen?
What values did this person have that you can embrace?

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