Wednesday, November 5, 2008

This and That

You're children are awesome. They are bright, articulate, and most important, kind. As Rabbi Starr said when he came to visit, "they are a cut above the rest," pun intended. Our unit on Brit Milah continues, and the class discussions are most interesting. We've discussed why we are commanded to perform circumcision, or as some suggested, mutilate our babies, why only boys are commanded to participate in the circumcision ceremony, and how our Jewish duties and obligations begin at birth at the hands of our parents, and as we approach Bar or Bat Mitzvah, we begin to take responsibility for these same mitzvot as adult members of the Jewish community.

In our Hebrew Language rotation we have been polishing our reading skills and mastering our chanting of the Amidah. Students are working in small groups, one on one with tutors, and in pairs. Finally, in our Jewish Values and community rotation, we have been talking about how we fit into the synagogue. What brought us to Shaarey Zedek, and how does the synagogue continue to enrich our lives.

Thank you to all of the families who donated candy to our Halloween Tzedakah Project. It's not too late to participate. Do something kind for someone, and have a great week. See you this weekend. Barbara and Tracye

Why did your family join Shaarey Zedek?

November 8, 2008 Shabbat B'Yachad:
Bring your Tallit for this special Family Ed Service. Invite the whole Mishpacha.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Guest Speaker, Community Mohel, Cantor Samuel Greenbaum

1 comment:

Jessica S. said...

We will be there
The Sandlers