Thursday, October 16, 2008

Celebrate in the Shack

This week we celebrate the festival of Sukkot, and thus Kitah Vav spent our valuable time together talking about family, friends, and celebrating the holidays as part of the Jewish community. Sukkot is actually referrred to as Zman Simchatanu, the holiday of celebration and happiness, and we are commanded to live in booths for seven days, and celebrate. Sukkot is a time to give thanks for the wonderful harvest, but also allows us to separate ourselves from our materialistic nature and connect to family, friends, and the environment. Even if you didn't put up a sukkah this year, take time to spend a few minutes outside with your family and enjoy the beautiful fall. Look at the moon, appreciate the leaves, share a snack, and most importantly, marvel at the wonderful world we live in. Chag Sameach, Barbara and Tracye

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